February 9, 2014

Cabin Fever

I'm not going to lie, January was a looooong month. We had days upon days of wind chills hovering at or below zero with a total of maybe 6-8 inches of snow over the course of the month. We couldn't hardly walk outside because it was just so COLD. I felt like we were never going to get above freezing but we finally did once we hitt February. A funny side story, the first day it warmed up a little Kade asked if we were going to eat lunch outside because it was such a beautiful day. I checked on my phone and it was 38 degrees out. Out perspectives have changed just a little after our freezing cold January!

We have been trying to get out of the house and find ways to burn off energy. But there is only so much you can do!

Miguel stopped through town and we were all SOO happy!!!

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