February 9, 2014

Heart cakes, board games, and tea parties.

The other day Kade and I decided to make the heart cake that I've seen all over Pinterest. It was super easy, and a fun activity to do with my boy while little sister napped!

We have also been playing a lot of board games lately!

Ella has realllllly been in to tea parties lately. We have multiple "tea parties" throughout the day. I decided one night to make some real tea and have a real "tea party". Ella didn't like the tea but she thought this was soooo fun!

She added A LOT of sugar. But if you look next to the cup, you can see not all of it made it to the cup. :)

Not a fancy tea party by any means but she didn't know the difference!

She loves to cheers!

A tiny little spill warranted being nakey the rest of the time :)

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