February 17, 2014

Disney on Ice!

Last week we took the kids downtown to see Disney on Ice. I bought the tickets months ago and naturally the day of the show a huge snow storm was suppose to come through town. Words like "blizzard" and "snowmageddon" were being thrown around on the news but after looking at when it was suppose to hit we decided we would go and at least stay for half, check the weather and just go from there. We took the train in and my biggest fear was the metro closing down and we wouldn't be able to get back to our car!

We made it, bought overly expensive popcorn and watched the first half of the show. I thought the show was fantastic! Kade loved it but being my more reserved child he just sat back and smiled while he watched. Ella on the other hand went nuts! She was yelling and screaming at every character, she was dancing (like big time dancing), she was cheering and clapping for all the characters. She was a flat out HOOT to watch. We were so happy that we decided to go! The kids said they loved it! At intermission we decided to go check outside and sure enough the roads were already coated with snow, so we we decided to pack up and leave. I am sooooo happy we left when we did, our drive home was scary! I was a nervous wreck. But we made it home safely and we were just so happy that we didn't have to waste out tickets!

The storm hit two hours early so the roads were already slightly covered when we got back to the car!!


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