February 17, 2014

Experiencing our first "Nor'easter"..

We just had biggest snowstorm to hit DC/VA/MD in 4 years! At one point the snow was pouring down so fast, Bryan and I were in shock! We hadn't ever seen snow fall like that before. It was insane, one local meteorologist said it was falling as fast as 3in per hour!  Our area wasn't hit as bad as others, we had probably around a foot of snow once it was over. But areas in central and northern MD had around 2 ft! That is crazy for a 24 hour period! This time the temperatures weren't as cold so we could actually go out and play without freezing. And we finally had good snow to build a snowman!

This was after round 1, we had about 4 more inches later in the day.

Poor Frosty got hit with round 2!

Kade L-O-V-E-S the snow!!!

Ella Claire hates the snow!

Kade and I went for a walk through the neighborhood and we stopped to watch a snowplow clear a driveway.

He feels right at home!


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