August 21, 2014

First Day of Pre K 4

Yesterday was Kade's last ever, first day of preschool. He is growing up so fast and I just wish I could hit the pause button. He is going to the same preschool and will be going three afternoons a week. I wasn't too excited about afternoon preschool for a while but two days in and I LOVE it, I wish I would have done this last year! I don't feel rushed in the mornings, and I get to spend all morning with both of my babies at home. I think this will be that hardest part of kinder next year, I really love our lazy mornings in our jammies with nothing to do. This will be our last year not tied to a school schedule and I am going to soak up every last bit of it.

I am so proud of this precious boy and I can't wait to watch him grow and learn this year!

His first day went great and he was so excited to see all of his friends and also meet new ones! 

Little sister couldn't be left out of the picture taking. She was precious dropping Kade off, she was a little mama to him and making sure he got his backpack in the right spot and making sure he was okay before we left. 

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