August 19, 2014

Last day of Summer

Summer has come and gone! It went by so fast, we had one of the best summers to date. I loved every second of it. It feels so good to be getting back into a routine though. Fall is so close I can taste it!

For our last day of summer I wanted to do something special with the kids. We will have plenty of time for fun field trips throughout the year since Kade will only be in school 3 afternoons a week but I still wanted to do something special today. We decided to head down to Solomons Island and visit the Calvert Marine Museum. Its been on my list for a while so we decided that today was perfect. I loved visiting this small museum and so did the kids, we were the only ones there for a while! It is so fun them taking places like this because I can just see them learning left and right, Kade is now to the age where he really questions everything and he was so funny asking the volunteer tons of questions about the stingrays, crabs, turtles, etc. He was so curious and I loved it! We had the best morning exploring all the exhibits and the lighthouse and to top it off we got to meet Bryan for lunch afterwards. It was the perfect way to wrap up summer.

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