October 12, 2014

Disney World Day 5- Hollywood Studios

Although I announced daily that each park was my favorite, I think Hollywood Studios really might be my favorite. Not in terms of attractions ( although there are so many we loved!) but in terms of design and how the park looked. I loved all the streets and different parts of the entire park. Disney thought of everything and really makes you think you think you are in Hollywood or the Streets of America, etc.

We got to the park EARLY. Partially because I am crazy but also because we wanted to be one of the first ones through to sign Kade up for Jedi Training Academy. It is first come first serve and he was really looking forward to it so we couldn't miss an opportunity.

As I was taking this picture of the kids we heard someone yelling Bryan's name. It turned out to be a good friend of his from back home. Such a small world, we had a great time talking with them while we waited for the park to open!

We signed Kade up for Jedi training and decided to hit some shows before our first fast pass. First up was voyage of the Little Mermaid followed by  Pirates of the Caribbean.

Our first fast pass was for Toy Story Mania. This was sooooo fun!  I wish the stand by line wasn't so long because we really wanted to ride again. 

After the ride we went over to meet Woody and Buzz and we ran into an Amry man on the way. 


I thought this was so cute, she was peeking around to see the characters. 

We ate lunch at sci-fi dine in and it was so cute!

After lunch it was raining and getting close to our return time for Jedi training so we headed over to wait. This was the best part of the entire day. I was crossing all my fingers and toes that the rain would stop and his show would go on and it did! Kade LOVED LOVED LOVED this and has been Jedi training nonstop since we have been home. 


After JTA Bryan and Kade went on Star Tours and Ella and I headed to the frozen play area to play in the snow. 

Star Tours was AWESOME!

We saw Mater and McQueen!

We saw the Beauty and the Best show, it was so cute. Ella loved it!

In attempt to get out of the last bit of rain we went on the Studio Backlot Tour. We got stuck on the ride with a tour guide who Bryan nicknamed Annoying Ashley. I'm sure she was just doing her job and trying to keep us entertained but I think everyone in the group would have preferred her putting the microphone down. :))

The weather cleared out for the Lights Camera Action show. I wish I would have recorded Kade during the show. HE. LOVED. IT. 

Our last fast pass was for the Frozen sing along. It was cute and pretty funny. 

It started snowing at the end!

We then headed towards Tower of Terror and the Fantasmic arena for dinner. We wanted to do both so we found a spot to eat close by. I got the kids dinner while Bryan rode Tower of Terror and once he was finished we swapped. He took the kids to get a seat for Fantasmic and I got to ride. It worked out perfectly! Awesome ride and then Fantasmic afterwards was great!

Ella passed out, it had been such a long day!

After Fantasmic we let Kade pick a snack and grabbed a bench to let the masses of people leave. We hung out, took some pictures, and by the time we made it to the bus stop we were able to walk right on!

He loves his light saber. 

One last picture with sleepy Ella. :)

We LOVED Hollywood Studios!






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