October 12, 2014

Disney World Day 6- Pool day and Halloween Party!

We slept in on Thursday. We all needed a break this morning and it felt so good to not set an alarm! We had breakfast at the resort and then spent the morning swimming. The pool was awesome.

On the other side of the pool there was a really big slide that Kade did over over again. 

We went back to the room for naps and to gear up for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. This was probably my favorite thing we did all week. I know I have said that before but this entire night was just so awesome. We needed to be back at Magic Kingdom by 3:30 to be the first in line because Kade had to be at the Pirates League at 4. After naps we fed the kids and then got all dressed to go. 

Pre makeover! Kade was going as a pirate and Ella as the little mermaid.

So excited!!

Turning the wheel to get his pirate name-- Robert Daggerskull! Arg!!

He was so excited!!

Bryan and I were pirates but he bummed out on most of the accessories because it was too "hot".

After!! While this was not my first choice in pirate faces this is what he wanted. Haha!

Saying the pirate pledge.

Robert Daggerskull being announced as the newest member of the pirate's league. 

After his appointment, Ella had a very special appointment at the castle for a princess makeover. 

Her fairy godmother was SO sweet! And super helpful in changing Ella's mind when she picked out the $200 full princess makeover package. Because that wasn't going to happen, haha!

Getting her pixie dust!

B and I look like annoying parents. Haha!!

She wouldn't move her lips because she had lipstick on, haha!

After we left we went over to the castle store to have a few more shots taken of the princess. They are SOOOO corny but I also can't get over how cute they are. 

Bryan and Kade had a fast pass during part of the makeover for Big Thunder Mountain so after Ella's makeover us girls had a fast pass to meet Cinderella and Rapunzel. 

They knew she was fresh out of the BBB so they were so cute with Ella!

They wanted to take a spin on the carousel. 

We met Ariel early in the week but Ella was dying to see her again to show her how she had fins too. In the picture she was actually flapping her feet back and forth like fins to show Ariel. It was adorable. 


We saw people getting their spots for the villian show, parade, and fireworks so we grabbed the perfect spot and ate our dinner while we waited. It was so fun! All the kids were running and dancing around to Halloween music. 

The headless horseman led the parade!

This parade was so awesome!

Snow White walked directly up to Ella and blew her a kiss. It was so sweet!

A zombie walked up to Kade and got in his face, it kind of freaked him out!

After the fireworks, I don't even know what we did! We rode rides all night long. There were no waits so we walked the entire park riding pretty much whatever we felt like! The kids were also able to trick or treat throughout the park and they loved that!

We partied until midnight when the party ended. Our last ride was Astro Orbiter and the kids were still going strong!!

Heading out, we didn't get back to the room until after 1am!!  It was the best Halloween party ever!!!

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