February 5, 2015


I can't believe it's already February! January is a long month for me but it went by in a flash!!

Ella asked me to take her picture and send it to Bryan before school last week. :)

Baseball day at school! He said he wanted to wear his Ranger's gear but has outgrown it all. So then he decided on the O's and I had to say he looked adorable :) 

Ella drew a self portrait. She said "and here are my eyes, and mouth. Oh and this is my hair bow." I love that my southern girl included a bow! 

We played outside all day yesterday and Kade drew a race track with a finish line. I love, love, love little kid handwriting. I know over time he will write all his letters the right way but for now I hope he keeps that S backwards for a little while longer. :) 

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