February 4, 2015

Snow day!

Im afraid to say anything because it's only the begining of February but this winter has been really mild compared to last year. We have had a handful of days in the 50s and not nearly as much snow as last year. It's been pretty great! I love a good snow but last year the record low temps almost did me in! We have seen snow a few times this winter but it has a hard time sticking around for long. I am a-ok with that! We get the pretty snowfall, a fun morning of playing and then it's gone by the end of the day. That to me is the perfect snow day! We had one the other day and the kids and I played outside for nearly 2 hours, we had the best morning!! 

We tried to make a big snow man but the snow was too fluffy and wouldn't really stick together, so we made a mini snowman. :) 

Ella loves the snow this year. All I can say is hallelujah!! 

It wasn't the best snow to sled in but he made it work!

We went on a walk and the kids gathered snow in the gator. Kade also said he wished his gator had a snow plow on the front. Bryan said he will have to fix something up for the dude. :) 

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