I have been needing to take some updated pictures of Kade for quite some time. The last time I tried I was by myself and it was then that I realized I could no long take his pictures by myself. I need another set of hands and said I wouldn't go unless Bryan was with me to help. When we redecorated his room and turned it into "Kade's big boy room" I left a wall open for a picture collage. I had the frames, but wanted to wait until I had updated pictures before we hung them. So one weekend a few weeks ago, I decided that we were going to go out and take his pictures...NO COMPLAINING! (Easier said than done on Bryan and Kade's part :) I wanted his pictures to match his car themed room so we went to a service station in Fort Worth that has old cars, firetrucks, and things of that nature. I love the way they turned out, and my boy is too stinkin' cute :)
Kade at 22 months:

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