When I heard Kade's school sent home a progress report in December, I got really nervous. I don't know why, I knew Kade was doing really well and thriving at school. I worry because Kade is the baby in his class by far! He just turned three in August and about half of his class is already 4. His birthday is only a few days before the cut off so he just just really young for the age group. I don't want him compared to the others in the class. I want him compared to others his actual age! Well all of my worries were just silly because this boy got the top score on everything! Well except manipulating buttons (buttoning his pants) but who really cares about that? I know that will happen! I was just happy was doing so well socially, emotionally, and academically! So proud of this boy!
His teacher talked to every parent individually to discuss any concerns or questions and she said Kade is doing wonderfully and she had no worries or concerns about him!

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