Kade would just not take Bryan serious as a coach. He cried when he wasn't the "leader" in certain games. He cried if his ball when the wrong direction. He cried over just about everything. Bryan handled him and the rest of the kids perfectly and made Kade just go sit out when he wasn't able to behave like he knows how. Bryan has to be able to focus on the other 7 kids on the team and not just Kade. It was a loooong 45 minutes to say the least.
We have talked and talked and talked about tying harder and being a big boy during next week's practice, so fingers crossed it goes better for him (and us). We really just want this to be a fun experience for him and what we saw yesterday was the total opposite of fun.

It was freezing so Ella and I sat in the Car and watched Kade unravel from a distance..

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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