A lot of days when we load up for school, K asks me to take his picture :) you don't have to ask me twice!

Ella is going through a tough phase. There is a lot of whining. A LOT.

I think this was the day she cried all day. Not kidding, ALL day.

It was transportation week at Kade's school so we went up for a train ride!

Someone got a hold of my camera :)

Kade "look Ella, it's Rollie pollie Ollie!"

One day during Transportation week, Kade's school had Tricycle Speedway. So cute!

We had someone cut down several trees in the backyard and these two were totally entertained!

This girl is a hoot! We were driving, a Taylor Swift song came on, she squealed as yelled "turn up!" No lie. I was dying laughing! She is a mess I tell ya, a MESS!
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