(Side note: I lecture my kids sometimes in this blog because I hope they read this when they are older. So K and E listen up: I can't explain how important it is to date your spouse. They come before kids, take time and spend quality time together, go on dates, be spontaneous. Talk and reconnect with each other, it is so very important. Even more so when you are in the trenches of parenthood. This particular date night we decided to dress up more than we normally would. It was so fun and so nice to put on our fancies for the night and enjoy each others company.)
(Another side note: I was talking to someone and when I said all Bryan wanted for Father's Day was a date with just me, they joked and called B selfish for not wanting to spending the day his kids. I wanting to punch that person in the face. Kidding! Sort of... I really just wanted to get right up in their face and tell them that Bryan is the Dad of all Dads and how I loved that he is able to give so much attention and love to our kids all while treating me like his leading lady. It's pretty amazing to watch. And he is more than amazing as a father. I wish I would have told that person how I noticed monster truck races were showing up on my DVr and I found out Bryan was recording them to watch with Kade because "that's what boys do" or how the other night when I didn't know where he had gone he was snuggling with Ella in her bed because he felt like he didn't get enough quality time with her that day. Just two small examples from this past week alone. So no, wanting to spend a date night with me I wouldn't call selfish. He is the most selfless man I know. End rant 😉
Ok back on track! We had a date night, then on Sunday we slept in, hung out at home, Bryan and Kade spent three hours at the splash pad, then it was home to throw some steaks on the grill and relax for the night! It was a great Father's Day weekend!

Kade and I filled out this questionnaire for Bryan. It is so precious to us, and Bryan loved it! It's obviously good to have Bryan around to "fix stuff" for us!

Bryan's official present was a new wheel barrow, and an unsweet tea from Sonic!

Yummy watermelon!

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