As of Thursday we are homeowners again! We are both SO excited about this home. It has a great mix of what both of us like and the style is me to a "T". The kitchen and living room need some work but we are postponing until after we get more settled. Our household good were suppose to be here on Friday giving us the long holiday weekend to get unpacked but there was a mix up and they won't be here until Wednesday. After a initial meltdown on my end, it's all worked out for the best. We have been at the house the past two days painting and doing a few things that we wanted before the movers came!
Heading in for the first time!
They have played and played in the backyard!
We painted Kade's room as well has Ella's new bed!
On their birthdays we surprised them with a trampoline so that was priority once the house was ours! We are all loving it!

We took the carpet out of the guest room because there were wood floors underneath!
I have to brag on these two. The past few days we have been at the house at 9am and haven't left until close to 6. Barely any naps for Ella and Kade has played and worked so hard and neither have melted down. The have been the biggest troopers!
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