On Sunday we headed downtown to see Santa! We went down the the Ellipse to see the National Tree and visit "Santa's Workshop." It was so cute! The line winds through the workshop and they had all sorts of cute things to look at to get the kids excited! When it was their big moment, Ella clung to my leg so we let Kade go first. Once she saw him up there she was fine sitting with Santa but there was no way she was going to sit there with out her big brave brother! Kade was verrrrrry serious about letting Santa know exactly what he is hoping for. He asked for a watering can, broom and dust pan, and a Lego race set. We have NO idea where he comes up with this stuff! In the car on the way there Ella said she wanted a pumpkin and crayons. Santa could have gotten off pretty cheap had he not planned ahead!
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