May 5, 2014

Frog Ponds State Park

We have been trying to go on an adventure each weekend. We are loving exploring our new area and we are loving being outside. We have had gorgeous weather! 

We started off on a hike.

We had gorgeous views of the Chesapeake bay. We also had a giant cliff right next to us which was terrifying. 

We made it to a beach! It was windy and cold but it was still fun! Kade loved it! I read before we went that you can find a lot of fossilized shark teeth so he had a blast finding shells and digging to find some shark teeth. Ella, well she said she hated the sand so she sat on a blanket with me the entire time. 

Ella wanted to touch the water. And let me tell you, I put my foot in and it was FREEZING!!!! 


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