April 14, 2015

Easter 2015

We had the best Easter. I think we were all still recovering from our month of guests so it was nice to have a laid back weekend at home. Bryan and I worked in the kids area at church for one service and then attended the regular service right after. While the kids "Easter party" at church was a little chaotic, I always enjoy hearing the sermon on Easter Sunday. After church it was home to egg hunt and enjoy our lunch. The weather was GORGEOUS and we spent the rest of the day outside. Overall the entire day was a success!

The kids got some goodies in their Easter baskets and loved waking up to this. Talking about the Easter Bunny is not my thing and is so unnatural to me that I don't hype that up to the kids at all. The Easter basket thing is fun for them and honestly I would love for them to think that it is just from Bryan and I but I didn't know how to go about it. However, Kade was talking about how the Easter Bunny left this and hid the eggs so I just rolled with it, I don't want to crush his 5 year old dreams but it is still so awkward for me to even talk about. I don't know why? I think because I want to focus on the true meaning of Easter and there is zero way possible to tie the Bunny to the Easter story. Just a little side rant, but I don't get the Easter Bunny at all. Ha!

These before church pictures are so fake that they make me laugh. :)

Getting ready to hunt eggs!


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