June 22, 2015

Hershey Park

One of the days we were camping we made the short drive to Hershey Park. One funny story about Kade, he doesn't like sweets at all. He will pretty much always turn down dessert but if you give him, a plain Hershey bar he will go nuts. Last summer our neighbors went to Hershey park and were talking about it with Kade and in his mind that was the most magical place ever. We knew we had to take the kids there once before we move home. It was so fun!! It was super clean, there were lots of rides for the kids, and best of all was the Hershey factory tour!

Kade couldn't get over this Hershey bar.

And I couldn't get over the street lights in the town of Hershey!

We loved the factory tour ride!


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