October 22, 2015

Hattie Ross- 2 months

Hattie turned 2 months old last Saturday! I say it all the time but I can't believe she has been around for two months! 

Hattie's second month was really wonderful. We worked through a lot of her newborn issues her first month so her second month we have all been happy and really enjoyed every second! Around 4 weeks we found out that she has reflux and her dr put her on Zantac and that was a game changer for little Hattie. After a few days on that her nights and sleeping situation did a 180. She was back to sleeping most of the night instead of crying most of the night and that made us all much happier! She is now sleeping all the way through the night and has been for about 2 weeks. We bathe her, swaddle her, and the put her down in her crib anywhere between 7-8:30 and she will sleep until about 6, give or take an hour. It is wonderful!! 

Another big milestone this month has been smiling! She smiles ALL the time and it is the best thing ever. We all talk to her and act like goofballs just to see her adorable little grin. 

She still hates her car seat and that has been a little stressful. I've never had a baby hate their car seat so this is all new to me but hopefully she works it out soon. For the most part when we run errands I just strap her to my chest in the baby carrier and she is as happy as can be and I love it as well. 

She did great at her 2 month appointment. She had to get a few shots which I always hate but it's better than the alternative! 

Length: 24 inches (90%)
Weight: 11.8 lbs (60%) 

I have so many pictures and to most they probably all look the same but I love them all. :) 


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