February 5, 2016


How in the world is it already February?! January blew by in the blink of an eye. 

This little love for her first tooth last week! She had a rough time sleeping for about and week and then it popped through! And based on her screaming instead of napping the last two days I think the other is about to break through. Or atleast I hope it is! 

I can't get enough of this baby! 

Last Saturday Kade had a soccer game and Bryan and I looked over to see Ella doing this. She has a mind of her own! 

After she "did her yoga" or whatever she was doing she played with my phone and I have about 20 selfies just like this. 

Birthday party fun. 

Look who is sitting up on her own! Last week a tooth, this week sitting up, and I guess next week she might as well head off to college! 

10 things of 10 for his 100th day of school project!

The 100th day isn't until next week but he wanted to get his project finished.

Jersey day at school. He said he wanted to wear any team that was from Texas. That's my boy! 


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