March 20, 2016

Photo dump

Our lives are in constant motion, I feel like most days we never stop until our heads hit the pillow. Baseball starts this week so I know things are about to get even crazier because Ella is also playing! 

I saw this and it made me laugh because it is so true! 

Hattie bear loves to eat! 

She has come out of her shell recently and discovered her voice. She is yelling all. the. time. 

We are loving our gorgeous spring weather!! Kade has mastered his scooter he got for Christmas. 

Ella had picture day at school.

Little kids hand writing and early spellers are my favorite. I love to see the way they sound stuff out, I know I should correct it but most of the time I don't have the heart. Kade was drawing a city and made this movie theatre. I love the way he spelled it :) he still pronounces his -th sound as an -f sound. It's the last little bit of baby left in him and I just adore how he spelled theatre. Or feaytr. :))))) 


Hattie got to play with the big kids and she wouldn't stop smiling! 

Trying to crawl is hard.

She hasn't started crawling but she is trying and man she get frustrated.

The kids don't like to get too far from me. Hahahaha 

We got to preview the recital dance!

St. Paddy's Day! 

Birthday party fun!

Sweetest little thing ever! 


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