April 14, 2015

21 weeks

As if yesterday I am 21 weeks! Over half way! Time is flying by!! Two weeks ago we had our anatomy scan to check on our tiny baby. They check all the major organs and make sure the baby is growing like he or she should be. We got word that our baby is perfect and thriving and that is the best news ever! I am always really nervous until this appointment during my pregnancies, so I love to hear that all is well! And we did NOT find out the gender. I thought for sure I would give in that day but we held strong and said we didn't want to know. I never thought not knowing would be so fun and exciting but it really is. We just can't wait to meet this little baby! 

Around weeks 18-20 I had my nausea come back and it was miserable. I finally just decided that this was going to be one of those pregnancy where you are sick right up until the time of delivery. When you have been nauseous for 5 straight months with only few days or a week of relief, you just kind of give up and give in to the idea that you will probably be sick the entire time. It sounds slightly dramatic but that's just how I felt. Thankfully the nausea has subsided again and fingers crossed that it continues! 

Another positive note is that I have energy again!! All that second trimester energy that I was hoping for is here and it makes me so happy! By the end of the day though I am pretty much done and it is all I can do to stay awake past 9 or 9:30. Most days I could probably for to bed right after the kids go down! 

One last thing I want to remember is how crazy active this baby is. He or she is without a doubt the most active of my three. I felt he/she so early in this pregnancy that I thought I was crazy and didn't even want to mention it to people. I didn't feel Kade or Ella until well after 18 weeks but I was consistently feeling this baby at 15 weeks. I didn't even know that was possible but it was so often and it was definitely the baby. At every appointment the baby is moving so much that my Doctor has a hard time finding the heartbeat. I've now had two doctors and an ultrasound tech tell me that this baby is insanely active because it is so hard to find the heartbeat or in the ultrasound tech's case, measure the baby. I feel the baby move all day long, and if I wake up at night the baby is still moving! I'm getting worried that this baby doesn't like to sleep, haha! 

If you were to ask me I would say that we have decided or atleast really narrowed down a name for a boy and a girl but Bryan still isn't on board (which is nothing new) so I guess I'll keep trying to get him to make a decision! 

Look at that arm up by his or her face! I love profiles shots on the sonograms! 

She flipped over to 3d for a bit so we got a better look at the baby's face! 


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