May 17, 2011

Big Boy Bed

This past weekend we decided to bite the bullet and move Kade out of the crib and into a big boy bed. I was very apprehensive but I knew that it had to be done. I wanted Kade really used to the bed before Ella arrives because we didn't want to have to buy another crib. So Sunday night marked the first night in the big bed and I don't know what I was so nervous about. Kade slept like a CHAMP! He didn't get up once even when we put him to bed, just laid there until he fell asleep and didn't get up the next day until 7:30! I on the other hand stayed up all night staring at the monitor :) His nap on Monday was a 4 HOUR nap, and as of right now it is almost 8am Tuesday morning and he is still crashed out! His bed must be really comfy!! He made this transition like it was no big deal, and he actually loves his big bed. Anytime we are in his room he either climbs on it or points and says "Ade's bed!" I am waiting to take pictures of his new "big" room until it is all finished. I need some more things for the walls, etc. But here are a few from his first night :) He loved that we now get to lay in his bed with him to read his bedtime books :)


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