May 23, 2011

Day 4- Paris

The fourth day of our trip was Mother's Day. I don't think I could have asked for a better day with my sweet husband and the little boy who made me a mother. We started our day by heading out to Versailles. We toured the Chateau and then went outside and walked around the beautiful gardens. The whole morning was perfect and the weather was amazing. When we went out into the gardens there was a musical fountain show going on. We found a bench near one of the fountains and had our picnic lunch while listening to the music. Kade was running around and having fun, the scenery was amazing and I felt like I was living a dream. It was the best, best, best morning. After wandering through the garden's some more, making a trip to Marie Antionette's place (who had the best decorating style!) we decided to head back into Paris.

After we got back into the city we headed to Montmartre to go see the Sacre Coeur. Along the way we stopped for some Mother's Day pastries! The Sacre Coeur was breathtaking, and the views of the city were amazing. My only complaint was the number of people! It was so crowded!! Before heading back to out hotel we walked around the cute streets of Montmartre.  

We headed back to the hotel to rest and let Kade run around a play for a bit. We got cleaned up and went to dinner. We ate at a cute restaurant near our hotel and then headed back over to the Eiffel Tower to see her again at night and go to the summit! I secretly did not want to go to the summit, I do not like heights and I was perfectly content staying on the ground or just going to the second level (which is still really high!) But Bryan really wanted to go so I sucked it up and said I would. As we were in line to buy tickets we noticed that the summit was closed due to the crowds. We still decided to go up to the second level to take a look around. I was secretly really relieved and excited. And then as the person in front of us was buying their ticket they opened the summit back up. Bryan was excited, and I cringed. But we bit the bullet and bought out ticket to the top. On the elevator ride to the top I was having silent panic attacks. My heart was racing, and we kept going up. When we made it to the top it was really crowded  and we fought our way to the ledge and all I could think was how freaking high we were. Sure the views were beautiful but all I want to do was get back on the ground. We took it in for a little while longer and headed back down. Even though I was scared out of my mind I couldn't have planned a more perfect last night in Paris!

Us at the second level about to head to the top.



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