October 18, 2011

Cooking Conversations

Every single night since Bryan and I have been married,  I beg him to sit in the kitchen and talk to me while I am cooking. He always starts in there and then gets bored or hot and leaves to go in the other room. I ask him over and over to please come back and sit in there, but he says he gets too hot in our small kitchen. Our house was built in the 1930's so we don't have that open floor plan that new homes have. All our rooms are separate, and actually when we moved in there was a door to shut off the kitchen. Needless to say, that bad boy came off immediately. After 4 years of marriage I have given up on trying to make Bryan sit in there. It is a losing battle.

But these days I have some one else who wants to sit and have a conversation with me while I am cooking. Kade thinks he is so big that I let him sit at the bar. He loves it and we have so much fun "talking" and giggling. After several days of talking with me while cooking he was starting to get bored so I did what every good mother does and bribed him to stay with candy corn.

Yup, I gave my two year old candy 10 minutes before dinnertime just so he would stay and talk to me.

Mother of the Year?

I'd say so :)


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