October 4, 2011


Oh sleep....I miss you. As I am writing this I am running on about 5 hours of sleep (that I will add was broken up into a 3 hour stretch, a feeding, followed by another 2 hour stretch) and A LOT of coffee. I miss sleeping SO VERY MUCH. I vaguely remember this stage with Kade, but I do remember be tired. Ella really is a great sleeper for the most part and she has one really long stretch of sleep, but last night it started at 6:30. She slept from 6:30 -1:30 before waking up. That is 7 hours, and I know in the blink of an eye it will be a 12 hour stretch (fingers crossed!) Who can complain! But I can't go to sleep that early so I miss out on a lot of her "good" stretch of sleep and I am pooped. She thought it would be fun last night to have a little party after her feeding at 1:30 and didn't go back to sleep until 4.

Knowing how fast these babies grow and how fast time flies I will not wish for any stage to be over with, good or bad. I am soaking up every last second of Ella at the age because it goes by in a second, but it would be so nice to get 8 solid hours of sleep. I have a whole new respect for people (and myself) once they make it they make it through the newborn stage. Because honestly, it is without a doubt the hardest thing I have had to do to date.

And going through the newborn stage with a toddler? It's a whole new ballgame :)

So I am just trying to enjoy this sleep deprived, patience testing, crazy fun stage in my life with these two cuties, I mean seriously how cute are they?!?


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