November 1, 2011

Ella Claire- 2 months

Last Thursday Ella turned 2 months old! I can't believe it has been two months since we went from a family of 3 to a family of 4! Ella is becoming more and more alert every day and such a happy baby! She started smiling right around 7 weeks and little girl is all smiles ALL THE TIME! I love it! She is so happy and it melts my heart when she sees me, her face softens, and she starts smiling like crazy! I love that she knows and loves her mama! She is a super laid back baby and just likes hang out on her play mat, in someone's arms, or in her swing.  She is still a rockstar sleeper. She first slept through the night at 6 weeks.  And for the next two weeks she was sleeping through the night about 80% of the time. Only randomly waking up some night for a 4am feeding. But now she is pretty consistently sleeping 11-12 hours a night and I am LOVING IT! But who wouldn't? Around 7 we start bathtime, then after bath it is a little snuggle time and a bottle and she is usually in bed by 7:30, sometimes closer to 8. Then right before we Bryan and I go to bed around 10pm we give her one more bottle, and then not a peep until about 7-7:30am! (We realized that giving her a bottle right before we go to bed completely eliminated that 4am feeding.) And on top of that we are finally swaddle free! It only took one rough night and that was all, which resulted in several scratches on her face (you can see in the pictures). But so much easier than I was expecting, have I said before that Ella is a an easy baby?! She is still a great eater, I think she was going through a growth spurt last week because she was eating every 2 hours and it was exhausting because I felt like I was feeding her all day long! But now back to normal and she is eating 6oz every 3-4 hours. We had her 2 month appt last week and Dr. Mercer said she was perfect, which we already knew :)

2 month stats:

Length: 22.5 inches (50%)
Weight: 11.4oz (75%)
Head: 38.5cm (50%)

Ella girl, you and your brother are the light of my life. Your Daddy and I love you more than you will ever know! XOXO!


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