November 2, 2011


We had so much fun this year on Halloween! Kade was REALLY into it this year. He woke up Halloween morning and stated that today was Hallowen and he was ready to go trick or treat with "Haybell and Ashie." What a cutie patootie! He woke to a little Halloween suprise that we told him the Great Pumpkin left. ( We love Charlie Brown around here.) He thought it was so "cool", his word not mine :) We ate cinnamon rolls with orange icing for breakfast and then played the day away. That evening we went to Brad and Kristen's to go trick or treat with the girls and everyone was all dressed up! Kade had the trick or treating thing down after the first house and in fact if they didn't hand him the candy quick enough he just reached in the bowl and grabbed for himself. :) It was such a fun night! When we got in the car to go home Kade told us, "I'm REALLY tired!" Trick or treating wore him out!

I bought these super cute baskets for the kids, but forgot Kade's at home when we went Trick or Treating!

Sweet girl's first Halloween!!

Cutest witch EVER!

They are too much! TOO CUTE!!!!!

Cutest pirate ever! When asked what pirates say, he responded "ARRRGGGGG!" in the best pirate voice ever! I even heard him in his room this morning playing with his cars talking in his pirate voice. 

Our neighborhood is quite the event on Halloween. IT IS RIDICULOUS! I love where we live every other day of the year, but on Halloween I want to run and hide. Kids come from ALL around to trick or treat. When we pulled onto our street Kade said, "THERE ARE LOTS OF PEOPLE EVERYWHERE!" Well said, Kade, well said. 

The picture above Bryan took as we pulled into the neighborhood. You can't really tell how bad it is, but he wanted me to make sure I posted it :)


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