August 15, 2012

5 years

On Saturday, August 11, Bryan and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary! Bryan surpised me with an ovenight date night. A hotel was booked, dinner reservations made, and he had a babysitter for our kids! It was wonderful!

These past 5 years have been nothing short of amazing. I am incedribly blessed to call Bryan my husband. Our kids are our greatest accomplishment in our marriage, and will continue to be until the day we die. Nothing else we do will ever top Kade and Ella. They are perfection, and we are so proud to be their parents. But since this blog is dedicated to Kade and Ella and everything they do, I want this post to be about Bryan and I. I am so proud that we have the marriage that we do. Our foundation is strong, and honestly we just love being around each other even 5 years and 2 kids later. Every night I am happy when my kids go to bed and it is just Bryan and I time. He will sit and watch all my 'trash' reality shows with me and not complain. We just enjoy each others company. He is my other half, my BETTER half. He makes me want to be a better person and I am so thankful for that.

When we were dating, I told Bryan that my dream was to travel the world. I wanted to see everything. I said I would sacrifice other things just so that travel was a priority in my life. Well, my husband delivered. And in these past 5 years we have traveled more than I could have ever dreamed. Trip by trip he is showing me the world and there is no one I would rather see it with than him. We have had so many fun and memorable moments on our trips.

We went snorkeling in Honduras

Threw our pennies in the Trevi Fountain (ask Bryan I WILL be back one day)

We swam with dolphin in Mexico

 We had our camera stolen in Florence, and then saw the tower of Pisa.

We spent a week on the beaches of Alabama

We went on a gondola ride in Venice (picture me singing 'O Sole Mio and That's Amore the.entire.time.)

We sailed and para-sailed in Turks and Caicos.

We went to Mexico for our first trip with kids.

We went to DC and saw the White House decorated for Christmas.

We go to Paris and overlook the city from the top of the Eiffel Tower.

We also climb to the top of Notre Dame

We see La Sagrada Familia and decide it is the most amazing thing we have ever seen.

We have a picnic in Versailles.

We experience jet lag with a toddler.

And we see our first nudist on a beach in Barcelona.

This picture makes me happy. We were in Rome, it was our last night and I made Bryan go back to St Peter's Square. We went every day because it was my favorite place in Rome for some reason. This night, the sun was setting, the weather was nice and cool, and the square was almost empty. It was gorgeous and Bryan and I just sat and talked about our trip.  Just a special moment between us  It is my favorite memory from any vacation we have ever been on.

Well, it is sort of a tie between this and the time Bryan was massaged by an eighty year old blind man in Arkansas, but I'll save that one for another post :)

Happy Anniversary, Babe!


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