September 4, 2012

Kade- 3 years

On August 26, Kade turned 3!!!! I can't believe that! I love watching Kade grow and see his personality mature, but at the same time I want him to stay little forever! I know I am biased but Kade is smart, cute, has good manners, and is absolutely hilarious!

At three he can:
 count to twenty ( I think he can go higher but usually gets distracted at that point!)
 count to 100 by tens
 knows all the letters and the sounds that most make
 knows all his colors
 can sing countless songs (and is extremely picky about what we listen to on the radio)
 is telling jokes
 thinks talking about any kind of bodily fluid or sound is hilarious (why are all boys young and old gross?)
loves cars, trains, buses, tractors, or any other kind of vehicle
thinks he is big but still needs blue to sleep with :)
sleeping 11-12 hours at night and most days will take at least a 2 hour nap.
would watch Cars and Cars 2 all day if I would let him
loves to play guitar and piano with Bryan
still sucks his thumb
buckles himself in to his car seat
can dress himself and had learned which shoe goes on what foot

There is so much more but this is all I have at this point!!

At his three year check up he did so well! "Passed" with flying colors! His stats were:
Height: 38 1/4 inches (75%)
Weight: 30lbs (25%)

And finally what Kade did on his actual birthday! His Meme and Gdad were still in town from his party so they got to hang out with us!

He ate his favorite cinnamon rolls for breakfast.

He played his new guitar..not sure why he has such a serious face?

He got him self dressed

Then rode is new Gator, his favorite present!!

Ella rode too!

He raced Ella in their cozy coupes

After naps, he cleaned up to head to dinner.

We took him to Rainforest Cafe and he hated it. He asked us multiple times to get him out of there..

He got to open a few more gifts while we were there.

Then we went home for a little more play time!

Happy Birthday Kade! You are such a blessing!!!!!


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