October 1, 2012


This is weird for most people, but I really love Monday's. I didn't start liking them until I had kids, but now that I am a stay at home mom I really love Monday's. When I tell people that they tend to look at me like I am crazy. And rightfully so! It all boils down to getting back in to the routine of the week. I love routine! Weekends are wonderful, don't get me wrong, I love love love our family time on the weekends more than anything. But come Monday, I am always ready and excited. 

I haven't ever planned many activities on Monday's with my kids because mainly I love spending the day with just them. Monday morning I tend to sit around a little longer, drink my coffee a little longer than the other days of the week. Usually my kids play together and nicely longer than usual! They must love Monday's too! We almost always go out and eat lunch together on Monday's, just the three of us! It is these days, and these moments that I am going to miss so much as they get older and start school. I guess I will have to go up to their school and eat with them every Monday :)

Today was an extra special Monday. Why? Well, it is October 1st, one of the best days of the year! It is the official start of the holiday season in my mind. The next three months are my favorite months of the year! We started today with a little shopping. I decided the best way to start the holiday season was to buy some Christmas gifts, two down many more to go! Then we went and had lunch at Central Market. The weather was perfect and we got a table right by the playground so Kade and Ella could play. Afterwards, we grocery shopped a little and then checked out the pumpkin display and the kids loved it! We did all this while Kade and Ella wore their Halloween clothes! I couldn't wait to bust those bad boys out of the closet!

Happy Monday! Happy 1st day of October! God bless this time of year!


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