October 8, 2012

The Patch

Last night we made our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch. The kids and I go multiple times every October, so this was just our first trip as a family. We decided last minute to go because it was a chilly 50 degrees out and it felt so much like Fall! It was prefect! The entire time we were there I kept thinking how much better this trip was that last year. So here are the top reasons this trip to the patch kicked last years booty! 

  1. Last year it was 85 degrees, atleast. Who wants to go to the patch when it feel likes summer? Oh wait, we live in Texas, 85 degrees is "fall" weather. This year we needed jackets, our noses were red, and I heard Kade say a few times that he was coooold! Perfect pumpkin patch weather!
  2. My kids are 3 & 1 versus 2 and 5 weeks. That speaks for itself.
  3. I was actually able to enjoy it because I was not a sleep deprived zombie from said 5 week old.
  4. Last year I was a new mom to two kids and still trying to figure things out. Mainly how to handle both kids in public. This year I feel like I can handle both in public places!
  5. This kinda goes with the last one, but last year Kade went into the hay maze and I lost him. I panicked and knew he was scared and crying somewhere in there. I abandoned Ella (did I mention she was only 5 weeks old?) in the stroller to go find him. He was found I went back to get Ella and honestly wanted to cry and leave. This year Kade went through the hay maze all on his own! No tears, not getting lost, no abandoning little sister to go find crying big brother, no panicking, it was great!
  6. This year Ella is old enough to actually enjoy it! I love watching her explore and learn just like I did Kade at this age. 
  7. Kade and Ella laughed the entire time and played together!
  8. My kids had on adorable matching outfits! (It IS a good reason!)
And pictures from our wonderfully chilly Fall day at the Pumpkin Patch!


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