September 7, 2015

First Day/Week of Kindergarten!

We wrapped up Kade's first week of school and it went way better than I expected! Kade is my homebody so I thought he would for sure have a rough time going to school every single day but that wasn't the case at all. He was up and ready to go every morning and when I picked him up in the afternoon he could barely get in the car before he started telling me all about his day and the friends he is making. It is so fun to hear all this from him because normally I can't get anything out of him. 

His first day went great. We woke up and had a big breakfast before heading to school. Once we got there he lead us to his class and we said our goodbyes. He was ready and excited and Bryan and I were the emotional ones! I was able to hold it all together until the girls and I got home. It was SO quiet without our little buddy around and it was weird not knowing what he was doing all day. Anytime I thought about what he was doing I just cried. I left a big piece of my heart at the school and I wasn't expecting to feel heartbroken over this big change but I was. I spent the first  two days of wanting to turn back the clock and redo the last six years with him at home. After seeing how much he was loving going to school everyday I snapped out of it really fast. What a fun and exciting time for him and there isn't anything to be sad about! He is so excited about this year!!

His first weekend is a three day weekend and he was ready for that but by today he says he is ready to get back to school! 

I know I am biased but he is so darn cute. I could kiss that face raw. :)


All smiles at pick up!!! 

Two thumbs up for kindergarten! 

Ready to go on day 2! 

TGIF! He quickly learned the excitement of a Friday and the weekend. :) 


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