December 16, 2015

Nutcracker, parade, and lights

Last year we took Ella to a short version of the Nutcracker and she loved it! I would say she talked about it almost daily for a year. This year I wanted to take her to the really thing. I found a small ballet company that put it on in Annapolis and decided to go. It was pretty cheap so if we needed to leave early it would have been ok. Ella LOVED it! She was sad at intermission because she thought it was already over. I don't think she moved an inch the entire time! I was really impressed and I can wait to make this a yearly outing! 

She was so cute dancing and spinning after it was over.

Since we were in Annapolis we went to dinner and stayed for the boat parade!

Sweet baby girl is such a trooper! 

Star Wars boats! 

On the drive home we stopped through a park that does a drive through light display. These guys loved it! This was such a busy but really fun day! 

This picture of Kade made me laugh out loud. :) 

This setup was our favorite!


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