December 16, 2015

Letters from Santa

Both of the kids wrote their letters to Santa! A few things I want to remember. Kade did his all by himself from start to finish. He sounded out words and tried his best at spelling. It might be my favorite of all his letters to Santa! It's adorable! And Ella's letter was the first time she wrote her name and Santa's! My kids are getting so big!!!! I'm so proud of them! 

Bryan likes to sing Kade's list to the 12 days before Christmas because everything had a number in front of it. Haha! 

Ella's Christmas list has been changing daily. At that moment this was what she was hoping for. A few of my favorites that she has thrown out from time to time have been a real unicorn, repunzal's castle that is as tall as the trees in our backyard, and a potion set that does real potions. Oh how I love that girl. Her imagination is something else! 


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