January 5, 2016

Hattie- 4 months old

Right before we left for Texas our sweet little Hattie turned 4 months old! I have no idea what she weighed (it was 50th %) or how tall she was (it was 70th %) but I do know that she is PERFECT and HEALTHY! She had to get a few shots but took them like a champ. We left the office being told she is amazing and adorable and perfect in every way. We already knew that though. :) 

Since being home from Texas she has tried her first foods! She has tried oatmeal, bananas, and sweet potatoes. She loved them all which seems to be the story of her life so far. She loves everything, she is happy to just be here and a part of this wild and chaotic family of ours. All transitions she just goes with and smiles (literally non stop) along the way. To repeat myself for the 100th time, she is amazing. :) 


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