April 13, 2016

April photo dump!

Kade learned about April fools jokes and put this "hit me" sign in Ella's back. She thought it said "Ella is the best sister" and was soooo proud. 

Sibling snuggles 

Hattie bear cried all day this day. All day. We sent this picture to Bryan when he said he might be a little late, I told him I was giving him the same look. :) 

Super Dad at kades practice

Unfortunately the Barbies hair was the only casualty..

The trees in our culda sac alternate white and pink when they bloom for spring. So pretty! 

Birthday date night! 

Bryan took EC on a date to medieval times!

These days getting one on one time with the kids is hard. We are busy and I normally never have a single second to myself so whenever I can have some peace and quiet I take it. But I went to get a pedicure and took Ella with me and she got to get her toes painted. One on one time is so good for us. Kade was excited because it meant he got to start home and play Wii with Bryan. :) 

She wasn't letting that asparagus go! 


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