April 11, 2016

Charleston: part 2

We visited a plantation while we were in Charleston and I think it's safe to say that this was our absolute favorite!! It also helped that every flower and plant was in bloom, bright pick azaleas were every where and I was in heaven! 

Sweet kiddos :) 

The Spanish moss draped over the huge oak trees was absolutely gorgeous. 

We went into the petting zoo when we first got there and this guy was hilarious! We named him Tom the tour guide because he just walked right by our side the entire time. :) 

They had multiple peacocks and signs everywhere that said if they feel threatened they will attack. I was a little bit nervous! 

We had tour times for the slavery to freedom tour and the house tour so inbetween we walked around the huge and breathtaking gardens. I could have stayed here all day. 

We found a small path back to the house that was lined with fully bloomed azaleas. It was seriously gorgeous. 

The best tree climbing trees! 

We did a slavery tour and learned about the slaves and owners that lived on this property. 

We weren't allowed to take pictures inside the house but the front porach was amazing! 

We let the kids play at a tiny playground and there was a huge tree to climb, so fun! 

Kade was a little nervous at first but Ella wasted no time! 

After a full day at the plantation we left and decided to check out the beach. It was warm but still way too cold to swim but I couldn't be that close to the ocean without checking it out! 

Once we got there these two took off running....

And ran straight into the freezing cold water!!! I don't know how they could stand it! We let them play in the water for about 20 minutes and then they had to ride back to the hotel in their undies. Haha! 


We got cleaned up and went out to dinner and walked around downtown! The next morning we were up bright and early for an egg hunt at the plantation but there were torrential downpours all day long so we ended up packing up and heading home a day early. It was such a fun little getaway! 


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