May 12, 2016

Baseball, class pets, and tornadoes

This is so easily entertained at the baseball games, she loves to be outside. 

Pictures like this make me want to reach in the picture and grab her :) 

Kade is doing amazing in machine pitch this season. It's crazy how much he has grown and learned from the fall. 

Off to school. We are in the final stretch! 4.5 weeks left!! 

I mean... Look at that face. 

Unless she is in her crib, Hattie is terrible at self soothing. I blame myself, I hold her all the time and I've spoiled. I don't care at all because well, babies don't keep. :) But I have been shoving a paci on her mouth to help some. 

Ella's class "pet" came home with her again. We are supposed to take pictures document all the fun while at our house. Holly Honey is not my favorite thing ever because I find a stuffed animal that has been passed around to 15 kids houses disgusting but we still play along.

May the 4th be with you! 

My whole heart piled on my bed.

We leave at 9 to take Kade to school and the 8:00 hour is rough most mornings. Hattie has been up long enough that she wants a nap and I'm busy getting breakfast made and everyone dressed and ready. Hattie typically screams and sometimes it's impossible to keep her awake. She was playing in her crib and I walked in to find this. Lights on and everything. 

Fun at pump it up.

We were eating dinner one night when alerts went off on our phones. Turns out a tornado (or rotating cloud) was heading directly for our house. Kids were safe in the bathroom, I was glued to the radar and Bryan was outside watching... Thankfully it went just to the north and there ended up being no tornado with it. Phew! 

This cute family decided to cross the highway during rush hour traffic. Bad timing guys!!! 

Cutie in a suit! 


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