May 24, 2016

New England Road Trip: Cape Cod

Our second day we decided to just stay in Cape Cod and explore all the little towns. I looooooved all the little seaside towns! We went to breakfast and just kept driving from town to town to explore with zero agenda. I love days like this! We stayed smack dab in the center of the "arm" of the cape so we were close to everything. 

This was the view from our hotel parking lot. 

View from breakfast

It was cold and very windy this day..

I just love the ocean. There is something so relaxing about seeing it.

Falmouth, MA.. The most adorable little town!

Kelly is the best! 

We ate lunch and drove through some neighborhoods. We saw a sign for an open house and decided to go, it was amazing!  

This was the view in the backyard!! 

I could get used to those views! 

We went to dinner across the street from our hotel at a place called Captain Parkers. It won awards for having the best clam chowder on the Cape and it didn't disappoint. It was delish!!

We drove over to the beach after dinner just as the sun was setting. 


Unbelievable sunset! 

I remember thinking I didn't want this day to end. I didn't want to leave the beach. I just loved it all. 


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