May 23, 2016

New England Road Trip: Boston

We just got back from the most amazing vacation! We took a road trip up to New England, stayed in Cape Cod, and took day trips all over the place. We got to do it with family and it made it even better! Normally by the end of the week on a trip I am ready to get back home and back to a routine but that was not the case this time. I was so sad the week was over, I wanted to tour more of New England! I loved everything! 

We left after Kade got out of school on Friday. We didn't have a hotel that night, our plan was to drive as far as we could and stop to spend the night. We were hoping to make it to Boston but driving on 95 during rush hour through all the major cities on the East Coast we knew we would hit bad traffic. We drove all the way to Hartford, Connecticut and called it a night. It was 90 miles to Boston so it would be quick to get there the next morning. 

Heading out in the loaded down mini!

I hate this tunnel!

New York City! 

We got to Boston by 8:30 the next morning! We only had one day there so we figured the best way to see everything was to do the hop on hop off trolley. It took us to all the major stops and we could get off at any time. Plus I loved that the guides talked to us and told us all sorts of history! 

USS Constitution 

Back on the trolley and this guide was the best! He gave Kade a map and told him he was the conductor. Kade loved this! He was giving the kids a history lesson but on their level. It was really cool.

Walking through the most adorable neighborhood. We loved how clean Boston was! 

Everything has just bloomed and it was gorgeous! 

Pretty church!

Public library

Boston skyline from Cambridge

Walking through Beacon Hill. 

The hydrangeas, tulips, and azaleas were fully bloomed and I loved it so much! These hydrangeas were just gorgeous! 

Bryan and I have the same sense of humor has middle school boys..

We stopped to have a drink and rest our feet and this little tavern we picked had so much history! 

It was late afternoon and we met up with Pam and Kelly and went to do the tea party ships. Since living in Maryland we have done a lot of living history type of things and have seen our fair share of reenactments but this was by far the best we have seen/done. It was hilarious and so much fun. 

We were all given characters. 

We all participated in the town hall meeting to decide that the tea party was happening. 

Out to the boats to throw the tea in the harbor. 

We waned the day with dinner, a drive through Harvard, and then on to Cape Cod! We loved Boston!!! 


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