June 29, 2016

Dance recital

Ella's first dance recital went great! She had such a great year in dance this year. Her little class was so fun, I always enjoyed taking her every Wednesday and getting to know the other moms. The girls worked so hard and they did so well! It was adorable! They tapped to "Mr. Postman" and I think that song is forever engrained in our heads because we heard it so any times! 

Heading out to rehearsal a few nights before. 

My beauty!!!

Watching at rehearsal!

Sweet girls!!


Ella was definitely into it. During the last dance class all the moms were discussing how we thought the girls would act on stage. Some thought their daughter my get shy, others were afraid they would cry, but all the moms in unison said Ella was going to rock it and shake her little thing up there. And boy were they right, it was like Ella has waiting all her little life to get on stage. Sis loved the spotlight and didn't hold anything back! 

Their teacher showed them some facials to do during the dance and Ella was all about it! Hahaha!

Recital day!!

They were a few dances in so before the recital they found seats to watch some dances before heading back for their turn. The company dancers did a big opening number and afterwards Ella turned around to me and said "that was the most awesome-est thing I've ever seen!" Haha!

Ella and Ryan. These girls became such good friends! 

I helped out with the class so I had a backstage view :) I didnt mind, I've seen the dance 500 times and I enjoyed being backstage with the girls. 

So proud of our girl! 

Hattie stayed home with a babysitter. She is getting harder and harder to take to these types of things. I kept thinking if I'm backstage and Bryan had to walk out with Hattie then no one would be in the audience to watch Ella! It was really fun to spend the day with the two big kids, it was amazing how EASY they were. It's funny how perspective changes. Haha! 

Flowers from big bro! They are each other's biggest fans and I love that. 

Dance pics! 


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