December 16, 2011

First Annual Cousin Christmas Party

Last Friday I hosted the "First Annual Cousin Christmas Party." I completely made up a party as an excuse to host something at my house this Christmas season. :) I LOOOOOVE my house at Christmas time, but it is too small to host anything like actual Christmas. We had so much fun. I mean seriously, we had the best time! There were festive treats, gingerbread houses to make, games to play, and movies to watch! We ate, decorated the houses, drank wine, and ate some more. Kade loves loves loves his "Haybell and Ashie" so very much and he was running in circles when I told him they were coming over. Even though the girls are 6 and 8, they all play together so well. The girls are so sweet with him! After a night of playing and fun, I snuggled them into our bed and they watched some Christmas show and the adults played a fun trivia game! Thank goodness for the wine because us girls didn't do so hot. And Kristen officially ruled the game out at Christmas! We all decided that family game night needs to happen more often!

Such a great night with my family. The only exception was that were missing Kyle. (Or Big Kyle as Kade calls him.)

Everyone came in their Christmas Jammies!

Kade DID NOT want to take a picture.

Typical of a 2 year old, right?

Kade's house

Hailey's house

Sweet cousins

With Brad being a police officer we thought this picture was hilarious. LOOOOONG after the kids finished their houses we looked over and Brad was still working in Ashlyn's. Even added Hershey kisses to the side to make a "wood pile." We all had to give him a hard time :)


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