June 2, 2014

Last Day of School!

Last Thursday the kids had their last day of school for the year! I can't say enough about how much of a blessing their school was to us this year. They started a few weeks late because of the move but I knew it was going to be important to get them involved in something ASAP to help with the transition. It ended up being the best decision. We immediately had friends, a place that we 'recognized', and the best part was it gave us a sense of community. All of that was very needed when we moved away from everything we knew. 

We watched Ella grow so much this year! She went from a toddler to a preschoolers before our eyes. As sad as I am about her growing up so fast, I love to see her own personality shine through. She is a leader and incredibly independent. The teachers said she was the first one up to help or get in line everytime. She just loved her few hours that she was at school each week. She talked about her school friends all the time and told us all the time that she "lobed (loved)" school.

We saw a HUGE change in Kade this year. This year we 'held him back' and made him repeat the 3 year old class. We wanted to get him on track for kinder. Since he is a late August birthday we have always known we wanted to make him the oldest of the class rather than the baby. We have talked to countless educators and while they say Kade could start kinder and be just fine in the fall, the benefits of being the oldest in the class far out weigh the negatives. Seeing the change in Kade's personality and role in the classroom this year completely solidified our decision. Last year Kade was very much a follower, and a copy cat. We never really dealt with many issues from it but we heard that a lot from his teachers. He idolized in a way the older boys in the class. This year was a complete 180. We both expected it but it was such a surprise to see the difference. Kade was a leader in his class this year. It made me so proud to see him in class and I know without a doubt we made the right decision. And we will do the same with Ella. Another funny story but all the girls in Kade's class loved him! I heard from nearly all the moms that all their girls talked about at home was Kade and how he was their boyfriend. One day when I picked up there was a little fight going on in the classroom about whose boyfriend he was. I find it hilarious, and so did Kade's teacher. She told me to get ready because the girls already love him! Yikes! 

We are so proud of Kade and Ella this year! What an amazing year! 


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