July 9, 2015


Trying to catch up on the past few months!! Kade graduated from preschool at the end of May! It was so bittersweet! The kids marched in, each one was announced along with their favorite things, and then they received their "diplomas." It was adorable!! It was hard saying goodbye to all of our preschool friends, they have been such a big part of our lives here in Maryland. We will still see them but it just won't be the same. We are so thankful for our time at GLS!

We love our graduate!

I was in charge of bringing balloons for the party so we had some good props for pictures, ha!

The past year with Mrs. Anderson was such a blessing. She was meant to teach 4 year olds! She understood them and their sense of humor better than anyone I've known and every kid just ADORED her! Kade would tell us all the time that she was just so funny! When it was time to say goodbye Kade cried so hard when he hugged her. It made us all tear up! Such a sweet boy!


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