July 21, 2015

Soccer and other randoms

Lots of random photos! 

This is Ella's favorite place to play during the day. She sets up with her different characters, sits on the window seal, and carries on a lot of pretend conversations. It is so adorable. 

We see our little baby deer almost daily. I love it! There are 4 of them I think but there is at least one running through our yard most mornings. The kids and I love to watch them! 

Bryan and Kade set the Wii up in the backyard and we're loving life. They played until nearly midnight last weekend. 

Ella is taking soccer camp this week. She was sooooo excited her first day. However, the first day was super rough. It was so hot and she got really tired and that is just not a great combo for our little Elbie...

This was the end of day 1. However, today she went back and she did AWESOME! Bryan had a talk with her and I decided to sit in the car where she couldn't really see me but I could see and watch her. She participated the entire time and had so much fun! She can't wait to go back tomorrow! 

Kade was suppose to be going this week as well but he has been pretty sick. I keep thinking his fever is finally breaking but it always creeps back up. He is able to make up his camp in two weeks so right now we just want him to get well! 


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