July 29, 2015

North Carolina Road Trip- College Tour

We talked about a long weekend roadtrip to North Carolina for a while but after our Texas trip I was really worn out and I didn't think I had it in me. After a couple of weeks rest I felt better and we decided reall ylast minute to just go for it during the long 4th of July weekend! We left Thursday night after Bryan got off work and we really didn't even have a plan. Bryan wanted to see Duke and UNC so we decided to head that direction first and just made hotel reservations as we went. It was so fun to just be heading out with zero plans, that the total opposite of how we normally travel!

Friday morning we were up bright and early to tour both Campus's. We both loved Duke! I decided that one of our kids should go to college there (granted they get scholarships, haha!)

We went to see the basketball court/stadium and this man, who was an alumni saw us looking around and gave us a little private tour. He showed us the court, the hall of fame area, and the museum. He was so nice!


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