July 29, 2015

North Carolina Road Trip- Biltmore

This is the one thing that I was most looking forward to. It been on my must see list for a while so I was so excited! The estate was amazing and so over the top and I am so happy that we made the trip to see it. We weren't allowed to take pictures inside but it was incredible. I kept telling Bryan that I wouldn't have even been able to come up with different uses for all the rooms if I tried!

They were tired of all the pictures. LOL!

This is way out of order but Ella didn't last long once we got in the car. 

This was our last trip as a family of 4. In the past four years the four of us have been on more adventures than I can even count. I was thinking about how on this trip we didn't need a stroller, the diaper bag is long gone, there were no naps to work around or snacks to pack. Life with these two right now is just so easy, it is easy to get up and go and that has been so fun. We are about to dive head first back into all things baby but we couldn't be more excited. We are all so ready to love on a squishy newborn again. I am excited to have the perspective that things do get easier and have the first hand experience that babies grow into toddlers, then into preschoolers, and on to big kids in the blink of an eye. I can't wait to soak up every last newborn snuggle and this time around I will happily pack a diaper bag full of stuff that baby needs because I know we will turn around and this baby will be running around with the big kids.


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